Friday, May 22, 2009

Waiting for Baby Jaxon

My family is currently anticipating the arrival of our newest family member, Baby Jaxon. He is 'scheduled' to arrive on September 11th, and will be the son of my baby brother Josh and his amazing girlfriend, Andrea, who has become one of my best friends. I have had a small case of baby fever lately, and since I lack the existence of a uterus, the timing of Jaxon's arrival is simply perfect. Ethan and Addy are so excited, constantly kissing Andrea's belly and telling her how much they love 'her baby'. Addy is not yet convinced that he is a boy, and when asked what the baby's name is, she simply replies "Girl." We are all so excited, and aunt Misty can't wait to meet him, hold him, smell his baby feet, wrap his hand around my finger, and kiss the bridge of his nose (that's a weird baby fetish I have). So, here's introducing Jaxon Ryan - inutero.

Jaxon's first ultrasound! 8 weeks

Jaxon at 12 weeks

Jaxon at 20 weeks

Jaxon's little feet! I love this one!

Jaxon's Nursery (I had to throw this one in here, because I am
IN LOVE with the bedding she has chosen for his nursery!!)
I already love you so much baby Jaxon, and I can't wait to meet you. Take your time, though and continue to grow healthy and strong in your momma's belly. You may be joining a crazy family, but one thing we don't lack is love.



  1. What an exciting time...and what a blessing. Love the nursery. Just wanted to stop by and say hello...and to thank you for becoming a follower of our blog. You have a lovely family!

    Praying for complete healing for you...

    Kelly Gerken
    Sufficient Grace Ministries

  2. Wow! Ultrasound. What an awesome process
    of seeing the baby's progress. The nursery
    looks great!
